Success Story!

Posted: May 1, 2022 at 7 a.m.

In my last message I wrote to you about an issue – the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC), the state entity that regulates Arizona utilities, has been double charging Arizona electric cooperatives an assessment to fund its own operations/existence.

We joined forces with Grand Canyon Electric Cooperative Association and other Arizona electric cooperatives, to support Arizona House Bill 2232 to correct the double charging.

I am happy to tell you that the legislation sailed through the process with unanimous support from both the Arizona House of Representatives and the Arizona Senate. The bill was signed by Governor Ducey on March 30, 2022.

Although MEC will still have an ACC assessment that is passed on to member bills, the extra assessment MEC has been paying in wholesale purchased power costs will stop. While not a large amount, every reduction in cost helps us keep purchased power costs, the most significant part of member bills, as stable as possible.

More Good News!

Our five-year fiber project in partnership with TWN Communications is moving full steam ahead.

Phase 1 in the Big Bend and Silver Creek Zones is being finalized. Nearly 4,000 members can now subscribe to TWN services.

Phase 2 in the Airport Zone is next up.

I want to encourage members to pre-register for TWN services. There is no commitment by preregistering, but it helps us in the construction phase, and also expedites your TWN internet service installation should you sign up for services. The website and phone number are shown below.

Our employees have been out in the community at several events recently—Winter Fest, School Magician/Electrical Safety program, Kiwanis Kids Expo, and Mohave Community College Concom.

We enjoy engaging with members when we have these opportunities and hope to see you next time!