How will this affect my small business?

The proposal is for the small commercial business Customer Charge to be raised from 23.75 to 34.58, however, the rate per kWh to drop from $0.103487 to $0.096777. What does that mean? The $10.83 increase in the Customer Charge will be offset when a small business uses about 1,600 KWH in a month. The average small commercial member used 953 kWh per month last year, so that would mean the business’ Customer Charge increase of $10.83 would be somewhat offset by the $6.39 decrease in energy costs resulting in an increase of $4.44 for an average month.

Historically, the Customer Charge for small business has been very low - roughly the same as a residential member, meaning the charges have been less than equitable. The proposed rate case brings small businesses closer to paying their fair share.